Family Worship Challenge Days 4 and 5 – RSVP

Family ChallengeHow’s the challenge going? We are at Friday with just a couple more days to get your two times in. I’d love to hear about your experience as you tried this with your family! I am convinced that family worship is a powerful tool in the training of your families to love God and love others.

I wanted to share another possible component to family worship that you could add if you chose to. I would recommend getting into the habit of Read, Sing, and Pray and then consider adding some options. For instance, we are reading through the Chronicles of Narnia as an added part of our family devotions. It is amazing to hear them say, “Aslan is just like God in some ways!” Another possibility though is to add a time of quoting memory verses. One of our Village family suggested making it Read, Sing, Verses, and Pray – RSVP! You could just share a verses each is working on, or an Awana verse. Growing up though, my parents made this a challenge and a competition. (Of course I’m not competitive at all . . . as long as I win!) We had a list of verses we were working through. Each night we had the opportunity to say 5 verses from where we were at on the list. If we said them all word perfectly, we got to move forward one place in the list the following night. So then it would be 4 of the same verses, and 1 new one. This really helped cement the verses into our brains. Then on one day a week (probably Saturday), we could keep going in the list until we messed up on a verse. It was great motivation because I could really pass my brother and sister!! You could move up in the list 4 or 5 spots if you knew your verses! It was a great way to memorize God’s Word together and make it fun too. I still remember those verses and struggle to re-memorize them in something other than KJV. Perhaps it’s something to consider once you have RSP down – RSVP! Share any ideas you might have. We can do this dads and moms. It’s worth it!

#VillageFamilyWorshipChallenge #RSVPwithGod

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2 Responses to Family Worship Challenge Days 4 and 5 – RSVP

  1. Chris Peters says:

    It has gone well! We are starting to include Bible stories and little brother into our nightly routine, and both kids are really enjoying it. Abby keeps asking for Christmas carols, though… Hoping to diversify a bit. ☺ Hey, at least they are about Jesus!

    • Pastor Ron says:

      Thank you for sharing. That encourages us to keep on! Gotta love those Christmas songs. I love that she is keeping Jesus’ birth on her mind all year!

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