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Senior Pastor - Ron Johnson


Pastor Ron has been serving at VBC in various ministries for over 20 years, along with Susie, his wife of 20 years. They have one son, Mark, and are committed to serving the body of Christ and glorifying God as a family by living out the core values of Village - Outreach, Community, Fellowship, and Spiritual Growth - in their daily lives.

Pastor Ron is a graduate of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, where he completed the Master's in Divinity program. He has also taught many classes in the Computer Science department at Biola since his undergrad days, having earned degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration there.








Glimore Family

Youth Pastor - Andrew Gilmore


Andrew, or "Happy" as he is known at Village, oversees the Junior High, High School, College, and Missions ministries at Village. Andrew is currently enrolled in seminary at Talbot School
of Theology at Biola University. He graduated from The Master's College in 2006 with a degree in Communication; his wife Amy graduated the same year with a degree in Biblical Counseling, and they were married shortly after. In 2010, baby Alice was added to their family. Both Happy and Amy have a strong love for the Word of God, and have a passion for igniting others to read and study God's Word and to never be satisfied with their daily walks.








Children's Ministry Director - Angie Hilker


Angie oversees all aspects of children's ministry at Village, and has a huge heart for showing the love of God to children. Route 66 Children's Ministry is dedicating to helping kids make God a part of their everyday experiences. Angie has a Master's in Christian Education with an emphasis in Children's Ministry from Talbot Seminary at Biola University, and earned her undergrad degree in Christian Education at Grace University in Nebraska. She and her husband Gregg have four young children, Caden, Ty, Ryah, and River.