Shouldn’t be a challenge, but it is!

Wives – do not read further.  Really!  Men, scroll down and read on.





Focus on the family recently had a guest that challenged men to deliberately pursue their wives.  You can read the post here.  The challenge was to do at least one thing out of the ordinary every month to let your wife know you love her.  I know they were thinking of big things, but I would suggest that this shouldn’t be much of a challenge. In 30 days, I should be able to let my wife know how much she means to me.  However, for many of us, we forget to be deliberate.  I love the idea of a challenge and accountability and commend them for posting this.

So, here is my suggestion.  What if we, as the men at Village, challenged each other to tell our wives daily that we love them, and do something extra and out of the ordinary at least once a week (not month) to SHOW them that we love them?  The daily requirement means that we find a way every day to tell them including when we are out of town AND including times when there may be disagreements.  The weekly challenge is more than just words, but could be notes, dates, sitting and talking, making a meal, doing a task for them, a Starbucks, or any number of things.  When we do those things, there should be no expectation of anything in return.  We are simply loving them as Christ loves the church.  Eph 5:25,29 say, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.”  Let’s give ourselves up to nourish and cherish.

Men, I suspect that if we all did this for this entire year, we would be amazed at the results.  We would be amazed not only at the growth in our own home and our marriage, but also spiritually in the lives of our wives.  Will you do this with me?  For those men that do not have wives, I would suggest that you also do this with either a mother, sister, or daughter.  My strong advice to the young men that read this is to get into the practice now with the ladies in your family rather than wait until God brings you a wife to figure out how to let her know you love her.

One last thought.  If your wife finds out about the challenge, don’t use that as an excuse to stop!  Trust me, she will appreciate it!

How do we do this?  Perhaps grab a couple of friends and hold each other accountable.  Comment here and we will hold each other accountable here.  Let’s find a way to challenge each other to stand up, lead, and be men by obeying Christ in how we treat our wives!

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