Men In a World That Needs Jesus

As we read the news today, we are reminded that we indeed live in a fallen world where biblical values are under attack. . . much like they have been since the fall in Gen 3 and as we have been studying in 1 Corinthians. The affect of sin always attempts to redefine truth as the serpent did in his first deception. I say this because I want to remind us that the fallen world is not new and our God is still on the throne. Five justices did not change that today, nor can they ever change that.

Remember a few things: 1) Our citizenship is a heavenly citizenship! and this world will eventually pass away to be replaced with a new heaven and earth. 2) We are called to be salt and light to this dark world as long as God has us here. Do not give up! The darker things are, the more opportunities for light to be seen. 3) Jesus is the answer for all sin including yours and mine. This is our focus, “How can we share the good news of the Gospel with a fallen world?” 4) Love those you engage the discussion with. “Let all that you do be done in love.” 5) Pray for our leaders 6) Pray for our leaders 7) Pray for our leaders. I challenge you to spend as much time today in prayer for our leaders as you do discussing the ruling.

Below are a couple of articles that help us think biblically and remember our biblical responsibilities from men who have given much time to thinking through this issue. I encourage you to read them. Men, let’s live godly lives together in an ungodly world.

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